I spent the last 30 days sugar free. No sugar, honey, agave syrup, etc. Seriously, not even one bite of my kid’s ice cream and I thought I would share some things I found:
1) it’s not as hard as I thought. The first few days were for sure tough but once I started seeing the benefits of being sugar free, the benefits outweighed the need for dessert. Now I can bake my kids cookies and not even take a bite of the dough!
2) my skin is loving me. I have struggled with rosacea for 4 years which has been painful and embarrassing. Really red skin, big bumps and acne, plus it hurt. A lot. Going grain-free/dairy-free helped, but getting off of refined sugar has made all the difference. My skin is still not perfect but it’s the best it’s looked in 6 years.
3) my digestive system has improved. I am not a health expert by any means but after years of dealing with SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth), cutting out sugar gave a chance for my gut to heal because the bacteria from SIBO doesn’t have as much to feed on. I will repeat the same thing as I said with my skin: my digestive system isn’t perfect, still lots of healing to do, but it’s the best it’s been since I first got SIBO.
4) cravings go away. Every day I wanted dessert. Every single day. I just don’t have the desire for it every day now. I really crave meals (salads, burgers, etc) but not desserts/snacks anymore. If I get the occasional sugar craving, I will whip up some sort of monk fruit/almond butter/coconut cream concoction or fat bombs but a few bites makes me feel content and satisfied.
5) I don’t feel like I’m missing out. This is such an important one to me because the idea of sugar free before was thoughts of missing out or being deprived. But I don’t feel that way anymore. I took my kids for ice cream yesterday and didn’t ask for bites of each flavor like I usually do. I watched them laugh and eat and I just laughed and smiled along with them. I didn’t feel like I was missing out because I knew I was making a small sacrifice to help heal my stomach and that is much more important to me.
Full disclosure, I do eat some small amounts of stevia and monk fruit but I try to limit that as well. After 30 days, I’ve seen the health benefits so I’m keeping on with this sugar free journey! I will keep you updated with any more benefits I see!