Hi friend!
I’m Tammy. (Well technically TammyLee but that’s just way too much! Right? Thanks mom and dad.)
And I am so incredibly honored you are visiting my blog! I talk a lot about faith, motherhood, self-confidence and insecurity, being brave, social (in)justice, acts of service, and finding mercy in the messes (aka the blithe life).
You should know I was raised a pastor’s daughter, went to a Christian University, and yet I still struggle every day to accept the vast and wonderful love of Christ. I share my “messy life” to let other women know they are not alone in their struggles as we search to find our comfort, confidence and wholeness in Christ and Christ alone. I promise you I will always be authentic and raw and perhaps we can find God together in the midst of all of this….
What else can I tell you about me? Well I am a mommy to 3 (ages 9 and under), I’m obsessed with books, a huge fan of traveling, pink lip-gloss, and, of course, coffee. I also am a firm believer that your small wins matter and I can promise you I will be your biggest cheerleader along the way.
Thank you so much for sharing a bit of your day with me!
Living the blithe life xoxo,
very excited for you Tammy and for using what God has called you to do! Looking forward to your posts in both places. God Bless, Rachel xo
Thank you so much Rachel!!! Please feel free to write up a piece to add anytime! xoxo
I have nominated you for the Liebster Award! It is a great networking tool and a fun way to show appreciation for your favorite blogs. Check out the post for more details: http://5bitestowellness.com/blog-got-award/
Be well today –