All posts by tammy

the art of living

I’ve been working on just living lately. Nothing like getting a life-altering medical diagnosis to make you want to actually practice the art of living. So I’ve been trying just to do the things I know I love. Spending quality time with my kids. Theatre performances. Reading. Going to the movies. Getting dinner and drinks… Read More

it’s still cancer

Because I’ve worked in the cancer advocacy space for so long, I feel like I’ve been very matter of fact about my diagnosis. Need me to do a biopsy? Need to do a MRI? Need to run genetic blood panels? Everything has been a to-do list with the results coming out as facts. Knowledge I… Read More

still here

I used to write. And write often. I had dreams of getting a book published. I wrote about insecurities. I wrote about being a mom. I wrote about having hope and clinging to faith. But years ago, I quit writing. I gave up. Mostly due to personal circumstances but also because of the rejection writing… Read More

when you feel not enough

I see you friend. I see you trying to wake up in the morning, your eyes fluttering, and you’re already feeling like you’re not enough. I see you rushing through your day – whether it’s work or kids or spouses – feeling like everyone is pushing back on you, leaving you wondering if what you… Read More

parenting in a pandemic

Parenting in a pandemic has been, in a word, exhausting. And it’s no one’s fault… it’s just the circumstances.  We understand why we had to restructure life – to save other lives.  But it has still been one long, emotional experience.  Here is what our year has looked like: Part 1 – Home from School… Read More

you haven’t peaked

Hey friend – you haven’t peaked. Here’s the deal.  I am 42 years old.  I hate admitting it but it’s true. I went to college late.  I graduated late.  I got married late.  I had babies late.  Everything in my life I have done late.  Nothing in my life I have done early. And lately… Read More