This thought has been on my heart a few days and then I read this post by Tsh Oxenreider and knew it was something I needed to write about… My hope is not to discourage dreams and goals. My hope is to remember that each person brings so much value… whether they are known or not.
There is a woman tonight whose name I do not know. I have never seen her face nor can tell you the color of her eyes. I have no idea what her hobbies are or where she lays down her head to rest each night.
I do not know her.
And yet she is one of the most vital world changers.
For every day she serves her family and community. She rolls up her sleeves and gives selflessly of herself to a cause, a person or a need. She doesn’t have a blog or a book on the shelves. She isn’t a reality star or has her name in lights. Not many people know who she is…
And yet she is one of the most vital world changers.
She gives. Because of a compassion within her. Because of a desire placed by God. Because of her heart to serve her Lord.
And she loves what she does. It doesn’t mean there aren’t hard days and anguishing nights. Some days she may doubt her calling. Occasionally she will shed a few tears over her discouragement.
But the long days and nights are rewarded when someone is touched, a life is made a bit better, or a heart is changed.
She could be single or a wife. She could be a nurse or a doctor. She could live overseas or back here at home. She may or may not have any children. She may be an engineer or a stay at home mom. She could be your friend. Your family.
She could be you.
You see, we place a lot of worth in what successes we have. We place a lot of worth in who knows our name or our ideas. We place a lot of worth in what we have accomplished.
Names like Florence Nightingale, or Mother Teresa, or Helen Keller bring a smile to our faces and warmth in our hearts. We know what they have done. And they have done well.
But I would gather to say there have been many Florence Nightingales out there. Many Mother Teresas. Many Helen Kellers. Beautiful, talented and incredible women who have done mighty works in their homes, communities, and even the world. We might not have known their names. But their works have changed the future forever.
One of the most vital world changers is probably someone whose name we will never know. Whose story will never be told. And whose legacy you may never hear of…
And yet her name is known. Her heart is valued. Her story is treasured. By a Savior who’s seen it all.
The world is fleeting and passing. One day it praises you and the next it turns you loose. While it is a joy to see your work succeed, know that no matter what the world tells you, your work is valued. You may be a homemaker. A single woman serving overseas. A young lady teaching in the inner cities. Every detail of the ways you give are being watched, appreciated and blessed by your Creator.
The world may never know your name. But He does. I pray as you rest your head, wherever you may be tonight, you will know your work is seen, known, valued and loved. And you are His success.
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if we all followed our callings and bound together we would literally change the world.