His wife said to him, “Are you still maintaining your integrity? Curse God and die!” – Job 2:9 niv I have been awake since 2 am this morning… I never sleep anymore. The heaviness on my heart is too much for my mind most nights. I wake up with bad dreams and can’t get back… Read More
All posts by tammy
My entire life has been wrapped around a large longing: I want to be beautiful. I want the blonde wavy hair. I want the sun kissed tan. I want the size 6 hourglass shape. I want to feel good about myself when I look in the mirror. I want to be beautiful. I have spent… Read More
The other day, I nervously pulled out my new bathing suit and stared at it. I placed it on the bed. And walked away. I came back, tried it on, rotated in front of the mirror a few times, took it back off and placed it back on the bed. And stared. I sighed. And… Read More
To be nobody-but-yourself — in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else — means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting. ~ e.e. cummings I am going to spend the majority of this post getting a little real here….… Read More
To the Mom standing at the back of the church rocking her baby, I see you. I see your tired eyes and anxious heart as you gently bounce your sweet bundle up and down, trying to get your little one to sleep, hoping not to disturb the congregation, but desperately wanting to hear the Word the pastor is… Read More
I don’t take selfies. I’m not against them. I’m not for them. I just don’t do them. Don’t worry: this isn’t a blog to discourage your selfie ways. Instead this is simply a blog of just truth about self-image. And the truth of why I don’t take selfies is simply this: I don’t like who… Read More
You see me when I travel and when I rest at home. You know everything I do. -Psalm 139:3 NLT I sat on the floor surrounded by kids and crying. I was crying. Because I had tried. So hard. I was so exhausted. And I saw nothing to show for all the effort I had given.… Read More
You know when I sit down or stand up. You know my thoughts even when I’m far away. -Psalm 139:2 NLT A woman steps in front of the mirror and looks in timidly with a bit of a sigh. She notices the dust on the edge of the mirror and the streaks on the glass.… Read More
I am doing something a bit different here on Becoming and launching into some beauty helps and tips. I am NOT a beauty expert. AT ALL. Like at all. But I do imagine Becoming to be like you and me having coffee and I sharing with you a few things that have worked for me… Read More